
Install htop
Install htop

install htop

Next, install OpenSSH Server to enable remote login. For enterprise, you need to purchase a subscription. Ubuntu Pro is a yearly subscription that offers open-source software security updates, which you can use free of charge for personal use on up to 5 machines. On Ubuntu, this user replaces the root account and has all root account powers by employing sudo. Now is the time to set up your administrative user. Confirm the partition table, If you like to make some changes to this Partition Table you can select ‘ Back‘ and edit your partitions. So, now on guided storage configuration, choose “ Use an entire disk” and set up the disk as an LVM group as shown. For a production environment, you probably should have LVM, software, or hardware RAID and separate partitions for /(root), /home, /boot, and /var ( the /var partition has the fastest growth rate on a production server because here are logs, databases, applications meta info, servers caches and others located.For more general use you can just use the Guided option with LVM, which is a customized option made by developers.For example, if redundancy, fail-over, and high availability are needed you can set up RAID 1, if your space grows fast you can set up RAID 0 and LVM, and so on.The hard-disks Partition table is one of the most sensitive subjects involving a server because here you have a lot of tweaking to do depending on your server’s final destination type web server, databases, file sharing NFS, Samba, application server, etc. If you don’t have other Ubuntu mirrors, stick to default and Continue. If you don’t access the Internet through a proxy leave it blank and Continue. If your server is connected to the network, and you run a DHCP server on your directly connected network the installer automatically configures network settings with the ones provided by the DHCP server. Ubuntu Server Network Configuration Ubuntu Server IP Address On the next prompt series enter your network interface settings: IP address, netmask, gateway, and DNS name servers. Choose the first option ‘ Ubuntu Server‘ for your installation. Please choose your keyboard layout or select “ Identify keyboard” to detect your layout automatically. Next select your System default Language and also Installation Process Language.

Install htop